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I just discovered this game after finding the sequel on itchio! I was going to cover that on my YT channel, but when I learned of this I had to do it first. I hope this brings you guys more attention, because Noise in the Attic was wonderful!

Hey thanks for playing and making a video!! Glad you liked the first episode! Happy Halloween =D

So glad I finally got to play this properly!! On my old laptop, I kept dying in the attic because it was just so slow. Now that I've got touchscreen, it makes for a great experience!

Ya'll did really well! I'll have to check out the sequel some time.


Hey! Glad you enjoyed the first episode! And yes, Attic scene must have been brutal on a laptop XD

Thanks for playing Paramedium! =D

Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 7 years ago

Hello from Spain!

We do not master the language very much, but we hope to be as clear as possible.

Taking advantage of the fact that today is Halloween, we have recorded a video dedicated to the game. Yes, it is quite short, but we liked a lot that the visual novel has combined with terror. That and the characters and scenarios designs.

We promise that we will play the sequel sooner or later! That and that we would very much like to see more jobs in the future ^^

Hello and thank you from the US!
Great video and glad you enjoyed the game (=

Stay in the Light!


Hiya, this was certainly one of the more interesting visual novels I've had the pleasure to play in the past bit. The art is very well done and the music superb, the atmosphere is set nicely with the creepy house, nighttime setting and creepy sounds. 

It's definitely a short game, but that isn't necessarily a shortcoming, the game seems to use it's limited time to introduce the characters, what they are, and the setting with enough detail. However, I was left wanting to know more about where these characters came from and just who or what the Paramedium Guild is.

There are a few grammatical mistakes sprinkled here and there but nothing that severely detracted me from enjoying the game. As mentioned by Raithias, I had Nina call me by the incorrect character name, it's included in the video but I just overlooked it, no big issue there.

All in all, it was good game, I hope you don't mind but I recorded a short let's play of my time with the game.

Cheers and best wishes to you.

Hey Killjoy! Thanks for the video! We like your voice!

Those name bugs should be fixed already, but thanks for letting us know anyway! We appreciate all the kind words, make sure you save some room in your schedule for a Paramedium 2 playthrough!
It's coming out this month, please look forward to it!


(1 edit) (-1)

I liked it, interesting ideas, wish it were a little longer. Not to spooky, but enough of a creepy factor, I even made a video!

Hey Nohawk, thanks for the kind words, we're glad that you enjoyed it! :)


I had a blast playing this! Great art, awesome animations, good story line! I normally don't critque too much but, the whole name thing bothered me on this. I chose the guy paramedium was asked to enter the name which I did and, put it as the name of my choice. Later Nina tells the male paramedium something and, calls him Lance. Kind of put me off. Would of just been fine not to name him and, to just have him as Lance and, Nina. Not griping just adding what I thought! haha. Awesome and, would love to see more of this or, other games like this!

Hey Raithias! Glad you enjoyed it!
That name thing was not supposed to happen, thanks for letting us know. We're fixing it right now, we should have a new build up soon!


Hello Din,

It didn't bother me too much just thought it was weird! I really hope there is alot more of this stuff from you guys. I see Paramedium 2 Girl In The Road is coming out soon enough. Hope I can scrape the cash to get it and, do a let's play of that too we will see!

Take Care!

Ahhhhhh this was so good! It's a shame it was so short. I frickin love the art style, it was amazing. The setup and dialogue were perfect,- it felt right out of a manga. I played as the male Cleric (I chose a name so didn't see his preset one) and his voice acting was spectacular. Awesome job!

Hey Tigress! Thank you for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed Paramedium! We were totally going for that manga feel (=
We actually just started working on a sequel, please follow us on Twitter and here on Itchio for updates!


This game is just amazing. I love the art, the music, and the world it's set in. I hope to see more of Paramedium.

Hey thanks Logic! Appreciate the kind words and support! You might see more Paramedium sooner than you think (=

Really great stuff. Loved the concept and the art was great. Would definitely like to see more set in this universe in the future, keep up the good work!


Hey thanks Mister! Glad to hear you are interested in more Paramedium! Keep an eye out, cause Halloween season is coming up (=

Man the game was fantastic for the limited time you had to work on it. When I was at school they had us make a game and we were put into groups of 3 my group was making a visual novel from scratch. Most of my group goofed off and it was mostly me working and all I could do in a month was make 4 backgrounds with text boxes and buttons and then code them together with notepad++ it was a job for sure. So the work you got done was impressive to me.    

Hey thank you so much for the kind words! I'm very lucky to have a partner I can rely on to make games with. Glad you enjoyed Paramedium! If you're interested in more of my work, check out Faulty Apprentice, and if you'd like to join the process check out our Patreon.
Thanks again and good luck with your games as well! (=

This looked so promising and I was generally enjoying it until it started crrashing during the fight in the attic. The ghost kept glitching all over the place and I kept firing without so much as touching the controls. I hope that gets fixed soon. 

Yikes sorry to hear that )=
Will look into it. If you restart and record the issue that would be awesome, but no pressure. I know that's a lot of work.

Thanks for giving Paramedium a try either way!

ye got it for maccas but lost

It is amazing but too short D:

Had limited time since was for Game Jam, but glad you like it (=
Might make more Paramedium after we finish Faulty Apprentice, cheers!

Hi, I'm having issues with the Mac version of the game. It starts up normally, but when you press "Start Game", choose your cleric and their name, then press the yellow button, the screen always gets stuck. I tried to restart the game, using a different cleric, download it again, restarted my computer but to no avail... It's still unplayable. Bummer. :(

Ah man, thanks for letting me know, Sairas! For some reason the auto-save feature in tyranobuilder (the software we made Paramedium with) doesn't work on macs... I had the problem with our other game, Faulty Apprentice, and I feel stupid for not realizing it would be the same here XD
Anyway, just uploaded a new Mac build, let me know if you have anymore trouble! And just a heads up, the game doesn't allow for full-screen mode yet, in case you try to do that. Cheers!

Thanks for the quick reply ! So I re-downloaded the game and I haven't encountered any other issue since. Honestly, I had so so much fun playing it. Just something about the occult detective/fantasy mash-up setting, dialogue and art really does it for me. Can't wait for the sequel ! (or any of your other games, really) *_*

Keep up the good work and thank you so much ! :D


If my D&D days have taught me anything, it's that you can always count on a Cleric to help! Admittedly, this is the first time I've ever been a Cleric with a gun! But the next time I hear a noise in MY attic, I'm calling these guys, and then I'm taking Grandma on a long vacation!


You are a Paramedium, the last line of defense between humanity and the dark spirits intent on mischief.This game features a strong and engaging narrative that goes from sassy to serious to funny and back. The core gameplay is very simple but very effective. My only complaint with the game is that it ended...and I wanted MORE!!

Glad you enjoyed the game dude! Thanks for making the video (=
We'll be making more Paramedium after Faulty Apprentice is finished.
Follow us on Twitter for news and updates, cheers!


So it looks like I may be the only one but I actually didn't like this game. I had, I'm assuming, errors in the game that made it basically unplayable. I made a video about it here if you'd like to see what was happening to me.

Aw that was brutal to watch, but I'm glad you at least enjoyed the art! XD
The game is 'supposed' to be scaleable, but for some reason when in full screen, it puts the dialog box behind the characters. Its a weird Tyranobuilder glitch that will hopefully be addressed in next update. Though I am curious why it showed up correctly at that one instance with the ghost.. Will look into that.

Apologies for giving you a bad experience, but I appreciate you making the video. If you want to try again without fullscreen, I would invite you. Either way, I thank you for giving Paramedium a chance. (=

Geoff Trebs @dinmoney

That is a weird glitch! I never would have thought to put it out of full screen. Hopefully it's an easy enough fix for you. I hate coming across bugs that are so simple but take forever to figure out.

I'll definitely try without it because all the comments were so good and I'm still curious about the story plot and make an update video of it. Thanks!


Thanks for your understanding Kitty! I hope you have a smooth playthrough next time around. Sorry again for troubling you. Good luck with your channel and games! If you make another video, tag us on twitter so we can share it! (=
Cheers! -din


Updated my game play of this game! Worked a lot better and really enjoyed it :)


Woo! I'm so glad Paramedium worked for you this time! Since our Kickstarter for Faulty Apprentice got funded (still time if you want to support), hopefully we can make the next episode of Paramedium in Unity! =D
Thanks for giving Paramedium a second chance. Best of luck with your channel and game dev kitty! (=

I just played this despite having a weak stomach for horror (I scare too easily) but I couldn't resist after seeing this amazing art. Thankfully I didn't find it terrifying at all...? Game froze twice in separate playthroughs, had to close and restart from the last autosave point. Looking at some comments here, it looks like I'm not the only one. I highly enjoyed this and will definitely be checking out your patreon and other games, I hope to see a sequel or simply more content of these two! I particularly like Nina's design. :3 Thanks for making this game!

Hey Zessou! Thanks for playing and choosing to support us on Patreon! Much appreciated!!

Bummer to hear the game crashed on you. We are pushing the visual novel software pretty hard with the mini games, but we feel it adds so much to the game we are hesitant to remove them.. We are looking into exporting games to Unity to make them more stable. More info on that later though (=
Glad you liked the game and character designs! We look forward to making another Paramedium episode after Faulty Apprentice is complete. Cheers! =D

Did you use something like Tyranobuilder for the game...? I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence, but I played a demo of a different game which was made with this app/software and it crashed for me as well as messed up BGM tracks in-game. I wasn't the only one with that problem too and the devs are now considering looking at other tools instead of Tyrano. Again, not sure if it's merely coincidental though.

Also, this might seem like a random question, but would you ever consider making games and putting them on the Nintendo Switch...?

Yup, we are using Tyranobuilder. I guess thats good that it's not the only ones, but thats bad if the software is giving everyone trouble. We have to release the demo in Tyrano, but hopefully we can get full game released in more stable program.

Mobile platforms are next on priority list, but we could look into Nintendo Switch. Cheers!

I just played this and THIS IS GOOD!! I hope there are more of this series *and plz forgive me for pairing Lance and Nina :3

Hey thanks for playing! We definitely want to continue this series after we finish Faulty Apprentice. Glad you dig Paramedium! Maybe one day Lance and Nina will get together XD

This game looks promising.

Thanks! We look forward to making the next episode after we finish Faulty Apprentice!
Please consider supporting us on Patreon (=

I will consider

This game was awesome! I wish this was a bigger game with a complete story, 'cause it was great!

Now I feel like I want to create a comic on this!

Hey thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed Paramedium! Was for HalloweenJam2016 so we only had 6 weeks to create it, but was a lot of fun! Will probably start working on full game after we finish Faulty Apprentice, cheers!

Had fun playing game. I'm really curious about the story and the world of this game.

Thanks! We will probably start working on full version of Paramedium after we finish Faulty Apprentice. If you would like to be part of our game development process, please consider supporting us on Patreon!

Hi; I like what I've played of the game, but during the "knife fight" after a few attacks the game seems to semi-freeze and I'm unable to click anything or progress; any idea what might need fixing? I'm on Windows 10 if that helps. Thanks in advance!


Unfortunately some people just get that error. There should be an auto save point right there to load progress. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for letting me know. Glad you enjoyed the game

My thoughts on the game

Glad you enjoyed it

Absolutly great game, only suggestion I have is that the characters talk more, I liked there talking style, would love to have the characters talk, instead of just text


Glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for the feedback, we'll see how we approach voice overs in the future (hopefully we will have the budget for full voice over!! XD)

Glad to hear, great game though, I will upload what I have recorded at 15:00 PM EST Today, maybe you can see some bugs, that I missed?

This is where it will be uploaded

At first Great game i would love to see more of it.

Also if you could go for the story more in the supernatural-ish direction with the little romance thing

would like to see that :3

and sorry for my english grammar ^^"


Hey thanks! Happy you enjoyed Paramedium!
We look forward to doing more episodes in the future (=

If you geht the game on steam with a 10-15 hour story and in the best case animated scenes, i would pay a lot money for the game

20-30 bucks i guess vor even more :3

Glad to hear that! We are trying to get another game on Steam right now called, Faulty Apprentice. If you could give that a vote we would really appreciate it! (=
Faulty Apprentice on Steam Greenlight:

Already did that :) i hope it comes to steam looking forward to it

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=

(1 edit)

Very niceeeeeee game I really want now like a full like 10-15 hours game story ahah :D
And here is the video ,if any one want to see

Hey thanks for playing and making a video! Glad you enjoyed the game! Hopefully we can do more with this series in the future (= Cheers!

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=



Sorting out ghosts and declining tea is just a normal day for a Cleric in Paramedium.


Hey! Nice relaxing play through Ed. Glad you enjoyed the game and are interested in more Paramedium! Working on a version where you can play as the guy (Lance). Should have it up Friday, cheers (=

Thanks for the game! Looking forward to playing Lance and seeing how that pans out. Keep up the good work!

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=


Gave it a go...


Nice man! Was fun to watch you play. The original script for the ending convo between the Clerics was seriously just like what you were saying. I was busting up XD Maybe Lance will ask her out in the next mission (= Thanks for playing Step!


Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=



Did I play this? Hell yes I did. Love ya, Dinmoney, keep up the awesome work!

Hahahhahah hell yea dude!! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks again for all the support Flog, really appreciate it (=

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=


I'm really loving this so much. The art style is great and the little mini games are a lot of fun. The game crashed twice for me though, it got caught in some sort of endless load loop between seraching the rooms of the house and the attic scene, and also did the same when [spoiler] during the following knife sequence, when a dialogue tree repeated during the first firing of the mini game and then endlessly looped.

Hey thanks Kara! Very sorry about the trouble, but I appreciate yo letting me know. Trying to find the cause of that issue.. Hopefully can get it fixed and a new version up by this weekend. Thanks again for playing Paramedium, glad you enjoyed it overall! (=

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=


I got so scared >-<

Glad to hear it! Thanks for playing Amara (=

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=



I think the title alone encompasses how I felt about this game :D Good stuff as usual!

Hahaha cheers Owlhead!! Glad we got you into that Halloween spirit! Thanks for making the video! (=

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=


(3 edits)

This is a really cool and well made little visual novel. The art style is great, the story is cool and fits well with the world its created in. I love horror and futuristic style games. Combine that with a small horror element and a cute anime girl and I'm totally in. I did run into a small bug where I got to a part that repeated the dialogue but other than that I am rather impressed with this game. I hope to see more from this series and explore more of the world created that the player only gets a small glimpse at. I feel the universe created could make a cool series of visual novels. All in all a cool short indie VN with potential with an expanded universe that I look forward to seeing more about. I did a video on my experience with the game if anyone is interested.


Hey thanks for the awesome video!! Will get that bug sorted out asap! Glad you dig the game (

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=



Hello, I thought this was a great and scary game, is there going to be more, I would love to see more like this, if this is not on the website I recommend it. 5/5.

YouTube: Fellowplayer

Hey Fellow! Glad you enjoyed the game!! Will be jumping back into Faulty Apprentice development, but are open to do more with Paramedium series in the future. Had a lot of fun making it, cheers! (=

Hello, yes I remember your work with faulty apprentice but did not hear anything about that yet for me to continue videos. Yes I am open to more of Paramedium and of course any others you develop.

Yea! Faulty Apprentice had a HUGE update, check it out when you can! Tons new awesome stuff added, just skip the prologue if you want, that's pretty much same as the beta you played. Cheers Fellow! (=

Hey! Thanks again for all the support. There are only 5 hours left to rate Paramedium in the HalloweenJam2016:

This would be a HUGE win for my small indie-studio, so if you enjoyed the game please give us a positive rating (=


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