Faulty Apprentice July Update

We're an indie team developing a fantasy visual novel with RPG elements called, Faulty Apprentice.

Important Dates and Info!

  • Preorder by August 10 to get an early access build of Chapter 2 http://bit.ly/preorderFA 
  • Preorder by October 10 to get early access beta of Full Game 
  • Kickstarter Supporters will be getting copy of both! 
  • Support on Patreon to play chapter 2 today +  get first access to full game! 

New Content!

Rogue Training! If you would like to aid in the destruction of Stars Reach Castle or just get closer to Zariinna, now is your chance! Warning, this route of the game is not for the feint of heart D=

Archery Instructor Secret Scene! We have fixed the bug not allowing this scene to play out, so now we can advertise it again! Some of you might have saw it in the original post, but we caught the bug quick and deleted from the post to save you the trouble of playing a broken scene. But now its back! Strategy Guide on how to unlock available to Royal Guards

Slutty-slutty Goth Guard! While most of the ladies of Stars Reach will get angry if you Touch them without being in a Relationship, the Goth Guard is different. Is it because she was alone in the Prison Tower for so long, or maybe Zariinna has been a bad influence? You'll have to give her a feel and find out for yourself!

First is the First Guard! While she does not have a Relationship path, you can now Talk to her and affect her Morale like the other Guards!

Next content update is the Royal Commander's Relationship Path! Since she is tied to the main storyline more than most, you will need to start a New Game to begin romancing her. *Strategy Guide available for Royal Guards here 

Next Content Update is the Master Equipment Sets! We want to give an addition stat boost to obtaining these, but we are still doing the math on exactly what we can do, so as of now they are purely cosmetic. However, they do make you look REALLY cool! *Strategy Guide available for Royal Guards here 

Bunny-Bunny Egg Hunt! This used to be a limited time Event, but thanks to our awesome community it has been voted to appear in the full game! So we turned it into a Special Job that takes place on Day 12 and will increase your Courage, Discipline and Wisdom upon completion. Not to mention you get some sexy time with Hilde (=

Strategy Guide for the Egg Hunt is too large to put in a post, so please follow this link!

Training limiter UNLOCKED!! Now you are not limited to one training session per day (after day 1). So if you need to get your Apprentice leveled up, now's your chance!

Saving the best Content update for last, the beginning of the Final Chapter: The Return of Vaultes! All this talk about him, is he even going to show up? Is he even real? Well, its time for you to find out! But before you follow that Secret Note into the Forest Edge be sure to Save your game in a New Slot and have your preferred Equipment ready because once you leave Your Room, there's no turning back!Oh and one more thing... Goblin's have been sighted within the walls of Stars Reach so while you are exploring be prepared for surprise ambush attacks!

Good luck and have fun! 

Comment below to let us know what you thought of this game update and hit the Like button to help new players find Faulty Apprentice!

Faulty Apprentice is 100% funded by the gaming community. Thank you for your support!

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