Halloween Event (Limited Time)

Free Title Update 4: Hocus Pocus Party

It's Halloween night, you and Miya are alone, and there is an exclusive costume party on the North Shore. All you have to do is get there... Are you and Miya be in for a trick or a treat? This limited time event is FREE to play! Collect pumpkin tickets in the slot machine to unlock a spooktacular story for Miya. Complete all three parts and earn an exclusive 5 Star outfit for Miya and enjoy a fully animated climax to the story. 

New 5-Star Outfits for all 10 girls! Use Pumpkin Tickets to buy Limited Time Witch Outfits, not just for the base 7 girls, but also the last 3 update girls, Talia (Future Fragments), Madison and Ashera! 

New character coming for Free Title Update 5! Some of you may recognize this character based on her silhouette, some of you may be meeting her for the first time, but either way, you are in for a real treat (=

Speaking of treats, we also have a complete revamp to the gameplay coming. I can't say anything specific right now, but we have been listening to player feedback and are working hard to make a more enjoyable gameplay experience for you. Thanks for bearing with us until then!

Comment to let us know what you thought of this update, leave us a review if you haven't already, and above all.. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! =D



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Oct 26, 2022

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